What does culture mean to you?
To us, culture isn’t just about a roof terrace with a view, free fruit or great incentives.
It’s about your behaviour and beliefs.
Join us and you’ll be at the forefront of everything we do as a deverellsmith employee, you’ll need to live and breathe our values that make deverellsmith.
What do they mean for us?
Team Focused: You can see the bigger picture, and think of your team, colleagues and the business when making decisions at work.
Trusted: You do what you say you are going to do and act with honesty.
Driven: You always look for more, take initiative and do your best to control the outcome.
Progressive: You push for change, promote progress, and think outside the box.
Positive: You have a can-do, go the extra mile and a win-win attitude.
What do you want to be recognised for? We hire people who put customer experience over money, every time.
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